Lately I have been thinking about my brother a lot. Thinking, worrying, same thing. We have an 11 year age difference so most of the time when I talk to him or advise him, I feel like I’m talking to him like he’s my kid. I remember the day he was born like it was yesterday! April 6, 1999. My grandparents picked me up from softball practice (I know weird right? It was my first and last season haha) and we went to grab something quick to eat for dinner. While on our way to my house so they could drop me off we noticed parked near my home were two police cars, one fire truck and one ambulance. We were thinking maybe they were there for the elderly lady that lived next door. As we got closer, we saw the first responders going in and out of my house! We were in shock. What was going on?!? When we got inside they had told us that my mom would be rushed to the hospital because she was hemorrhaging. They took her and my grandparents, my sister and myself were right behind them. My mom had already called my step dad so he could leave work and meet us at the hospital. Later that evening, my sister and I gained a little brother. He was the most precious baby I had ever seen. I could have stared at him forever.

Time just goes by way too fast! I miss him at this young/fun stage!
Fast forward to just a few days ago. My baby brother turned 15!! I can’t believe it! How did that happen? When did that happen? I’m excited/nervous for him to grow up. Soon he’ll be driving. Watch out! He’s already practicing. He’s actually pretty good and I know he’ll be careful. He can’t wait to get a job and start making money, which I’ve already given him good places to apply. He’s really into soccer and hopefully more than he is into girls. He has a group of close friends which I’m glad for however I hope if they ever act like idiots, my brother thinks before he acts stupid right along with them. I always worry about him. Probably more than I should. I guess that’s the mom in me. Hearing all these news stories of a mindless acts that happen to or are caused by teenagers, I just constantly hope he is listening to his conscience and maintaining that good head on his shoulders.

Such a handsome brother I have! ((He's not allowed to date..EVER!))
He will always be my little brother that towers over me that I love so much! And I hope he knows that I will always be here for him whenever he needs me. But who are we kidding? He’s a teenager who knows it ALL!
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