Thursday, April 10, 2014

Let's talk babies..

Or lack there of.
Before my husband and I got married, I laugh now because I was dead set on having lots of kids. Like 4 or 5. Well… that has changed.  Nicolas will be turning 4 in October and Raegan will be 2 the end of May, so although they may forever theoretically be my babies, they are literally no longer babies. Now, because they are not babies any more, I get asked more often than not, “So, are you going to have another?”
Since I was 18 I have worked full time. Being a stay at home mom was just something that never even crossed my mind. We had our first son and while I loved being on maternity leave, I eventually had to go back to work for financial reasons. Then I got pregnant with our daughter and again, loved being on maternity leave but when it got closer for me to go back to work, I almost couldn’t wait. Yes I love being around my children, but could I do it full time? Nope, not a chance. I crave adult interaction. I like relating to people. Helping people. I am even looking into going back to school so I can start steering myself into the career of my choice. More on that later. With that being said. I will always work full time. Or close to it. I love the idea of making my own money. And helping contribute financially to our family while doing something that challenges my mind is an added bonus. Now the having more children part. Although I like the newborn smell and nothing beats rocking a swaddled baby to sleep, I just don’t have the time for another one. Could I make time? Sure. But do I want to? Nope. As selfish as you may think that sounds, I just really don’t care. Like I mentioned just a minute ago, I work. I will always work. My week days right now are hectic as it is. In the morning, both my husband and I scramble to get ourselves ready, the kids ready, and make sure we all have packed lunches while getting out the door on time. I drop off the kids then head to work a full day. My husband picks them up and when I get home I barely have enough time to sit down to eat dinner let alone do anything else. Between washing dishes and making dinner, then washing more dishes, then picking up the house, and bath times, then maybe a load of laundry here and there, I just can’t see myself adding another child into the mix. I could probably make it work but then I would be spread even more thin than I already am. I look forward to those evenings where I have time to spare where I can play dolls with Raegan or build Lego sky scrapers with Nicolas. I feel that if we were to add another baby, I wouldn’t get those small windows of time to bond with Nicolas and Raegan. I wouldn’t want to make them ever feel like I didn’t have time for them together or individually.

Another reason is because we are almost, almost, almost in the clear of the no kid zone. What I mean by that is out of all our friends, my husband and I were the first to get married the first to have children. Some of our friends still aren’t married and still don’t have kids. Which is ok. Everyone is on their own time schedule. But when my husband and I look into the future we see that because we are already out of the baby stage we are closer to the enjoying being married without diaper bags and highchairs stage. We are able to leave our children over night at grandma’s so we can go out and enjoy ourselves every so often. Which in turn makes it closer for us to go on vacations just the two of us. If we were to have another, I’d be that attached at the boob mom. I wouldn’t be able to leave the baby for longer than a few hours. And that my friends, does not sound appealing.

So let me answer that question for, as of this moment in time, we will not be making any more babies. These two keep me busy enough!

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