Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Appointments on top of appointments and more appointments

So as I stated before, Raegan is a patient of the California Alta Regional center. We had a speech therapist and physical therapist from an outside organization meet with her at our house. They evaluated and worked with her in structured play to see what type of delays she had. About a week later we met with our assigned case worker through Alta Regional and came up with goals we would like for Raegan's progress. About a week after that I got a call from the case worker letting us know due to Raegan's delays, she would be granted one speech therapy session a week, one physical therapy session a week and two occupational therapy sessions a month. Here's the best part..all these therapists want to schedule between the hours of 8:30-4 Monday through Friday. That would work out perfect if I were a stay at home mom or had a job that I could just leisurely take time off here and there. We finally have it somewhat set. Speech therapy is every Monday at 3 and because I'm with a new company I can only take off so much time for these sessions so my husband and I are switching off being present every other Monday. Physical therapy met with us for her initial session on a Thursday after we got home from work because she was a different therapist than the one that came out for her evaluation. We wanted to be able to meet her so that way she could start meeting with Raegan at daycare. Since her 18/20 month well check, our insurance coverage has changed and we made an appointment for Raegan to meet with her new doctor. Yep, another appointment. I went in there prepared. Had every chain of events lined up in my head so I could catch him up to speed. I had copies of her evaluations so he could have them on file for her. I requested right away that she be referred for a hearing test to see if her hearing may be contributing to the fact that she doesn't speak yet, the doctor agreed that was a good idea. He was very attentive and was very reassuring that we were in great hands with Alta. In fact, he said that would have been the first place he would have referred her to if she had been his patient from birth.
Oh did I mention this doctor is the same doctor that my husband saw when he was a child? In fact, this doctor saved my husband's life. But that's a whole different story for a different day.
Also during the appointment the doctor mentioned he would put in another referral for Raegan to see a Pediatric Neurologist. Another appointment. I went to work after we met with her pediatrition and researched the neurology office she would be referred to. I'm waiting at the moment still to be scheduled for her consultation. Now if I can just find the time for all these appointments, I'll be set.

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