Thursday, November 15, 2018

How the third baby came to be..part 1

If you would have asked me 4 years ago if any more kids were in our future, our answer was a hard no. We had one of each. The best of both worlds and with both of us working we had our hands full. And we were happy. Funny story is I actually mentioned to my OB that I wanted to get my tubes tied. She without hesitation, laughed in my face. She said that for a 26 year old that was a pretty drastic request as my mind might change in the future. My thought was "umm no lady, I have 2 kids already and I really don't want any more." She suggested that Ryan get a vasectomy since that would be the easiest and less invasive route. I talked it over with my husband and let him know that I would never ever ask him to alter his body and that if it was his choice I would fully support him but it was not necessary. He thought it over and finally made an appointment with his doctor for a consultation. After getting all the information he scheduled his procedure appointment for a few weeks from then. During that time the company he was working for sold and the new owners changed policies and did a whole rehiring process of the same employees. (insert eyeroll) So with that Ryan no longer had the same amount of PTO in order to take the days off he needed for the procedure. He cancelled it in the hopes of rescheduling when he was able to take time off work. Well..that never happened. I went back to the Mirena which I had before and we were covered in the no baby department. Fast forward a couple years and I turned 29. I say that because it was the first time in my life where I really thought that my life was changing. Not in a bad way but just realizing that a huge chunk of my life had already been lived. In my 20s I got married and had kids all while still trying to grow up myself. I enjoyed having this life but you do so much growth in your 20s and once you near turning 30 I feel like you are really getting to know who you are as a person. One thing that I absolutely loved in my life was being pregnant and I really started to get emotional at the fact that I would never experience that again. Then I started thinking about how I wouldn't experience the joy of a newborn right after birth. I mean you as the mom have a ton going on within yourself after you give birth but the newborn "high" if you will that you get after having your baby is a real thing! You are just in awe of this new beautiful person you created and are on cloud 9. I would never get that again. I remember thinking when I was pregnant with Raegan, how could my heart grow even more to love another child as much as I did Nicolas. But let me tell you, it does! So I knew that if I were to have another child I was fully capable to feel that same amount of bursting love like I had with the other two. I also thought about how I was older and "wiser" now. I had gone through all the anxiety of being a first time mom and then the comparison mom the second time around and how much energy that took and exhaustion that created. If I were to have another child, my mindset would be totally different. I also looked at the fact that my husband was now in his career and was more financially stable to have already allowed me to go to part time. I was already more available to our kids and the fact that I worked overnight made it easier also. I had more time to be a mom without taking myself away physically for work. So by this time I had already made some good argument points as to why having another baby would work. Now I just needed to do "research" and talk with other moms of 3 to see if I was just thinking realistically or were my head in the clouds. I first spoke to my husband's aunt who at the time just recently had her third baby, he was 6 months at the time so she was perfect to talk to about it first. She confirmed everything. That the third baby was in fact different and easier because it was now second nature to take care of a baby. Another person I talked to was a coworker who's third baby was a toddler, she said the same things. By this point I'm preparing in my head how I'm going to bring up this conversation to my husband since we were both so certain we were done having kids.

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