You are now 9 months! You have aged almost as long as I was pregnant with you and soon we will do a 9 month in/9 month out picture! You are such a wonderful baby and I don't know what we would do without you!
Let's start at the beginning of our are sooooo your daddy's daughter. You would sleep in until 9 or 10 every morning if I let you! Even when I undress you, you could still probably roll over and fall back asleep. You love your beauty sleep.
You have a bottle for breakfast that you still refuse to hold on your own. Right now the times you eat solids are for lunch and dinner. You have now eaten peas, sweet potatoes (your favorite), carrots, squash, applesauce (another love just like your daddy and brother). I had you try banana the other day and you were not having it! I think I'm going to try more veggies before I really open your pallet to fruits. That's what I did with your brother and so far there is only one vegetable he doesn't care for. Anyway, back to you, so far you are a great eater and for that, I am grateful!
You love to play. Whether you are sitting in your saucer or laying on the floor having tummy time and throwing your toys left and right, you have a ball! You love when your brother comes around and plays with you or shows you his toys.
You make the silliest faces and are always smiling. There isn't anyone you don't smile for. Currently, you're teething and are always sticking out your tongue, which is so cute.
Putting you to bed is so easy! From day one, we have done the self soothing technique. You are a thumb sucker so after your bedtime bottle (7oz.), I swaddle the bottom half of your body, turn on your music and let you fall asleep on your own. And the best part? We don't hear a peep from you until morning. Although you are quite the little snorer, which is pretty hilarious. I've filmed this a few times because baby girl, you seriously snore so loud!
Clothes:: 6-9 months
Diapers:: size 2
Hair:: light brown like my original color and your brother's
Eyes:: still (for the most part) BLUE! But some days they look grey or green and brown tinted.
Weight:: (we haven't gone to your 9mo check up yet so I'm guessing around 15-18lbs)
Length:: I couldn't even tell you, but little lady you are a shorty for sure!
Either way, you are such a beauty. Such a smiley baby. Such a sweetheart. Such a blessing. Such a great great joy in our lives. We love having you and making our family complete!
We love you to the moon and back, to infinity and beyond, forever and ever!
I love these updates. Looking back in the future we wont forget a moment :) she's gorgeous x
I love how she is starting to look more like her brother now! Before I thought they looked so different. So fun! She surely is a beauty & I love that rainbow tutu ;)