Monday, March 11, 2013

Weekend fun fun fun

Friday Night
I built Nicolas a fort in our living room. He hung out with daddy for a bit.
We let him eat dinner in there. And he watched his nighttime cartoons in there also.
We ended up just staying at home and having a super lazy day.
We have not had one of those in a loooong time.
We set up a redneck water table for Nicolas to play with.
Eventually there was a bigger plastic bin used for the water that allowed Nicolas
to get completely soaked!
He had fun and that's all that mattered!
Nala must have been worn out because in the early evening she started to fall asleep,
on my lap, while sitting up.
Crazy dog.
She was my first "baby" and I get reminded of that from time to time.
This was one of those times because she looked so sweet just to rest her head for a minute on me.
 I die at Raegan's new face!
She is starting to get so chunky I can't take all the cuteness!
Don't you just want to bite these cheeks?!
Ryan was playing in a softball tournament with his cousins and uncle.  So we spent part of the day watching the game and then hanging out at the park. I love family days like these!
I never get tired of these father daughter pictures..never
Nicolas-"Tickle tickle!" Ryan's face is priceless!
[left to right] cousin Malia, Uncle Randy, cousin Mike, and that handsome mountain man is, yes, my husband!
little dare devil!
Hope everyone had a great weekend!

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