Thursday, April 18, 2013

10 months young!

Raegan Marie,
You've turned 10 months and like every month, I have loved watching you grow! You are such a little princess. Playful, giggly, sweet, and sassy are just a few words I can use to describe this stage with you. You are now grabbing more and more for things like my phone and toys and your food. Your favorite is to wave your spoon in the air after you've been fed. Your eating habits of baby food are getting more wonderful as the days go by. You have maybe 3-4 bottles depending on how fussy you are that day, one fruit jar in the morning, one veggie jar for lunch and just recently you started eating 1-2 of the bigger plastic containers of the baby food dinners. You gobble them up like you've never been fed before. Just like your brother you are when it comes to eating practically everything I give you. I'm not one to prohibit taste buds so I hope this love of different foods continues with you.

Play time is so fun with you because you are quite the little giggler. Everything is funny to you and you have the sweetest laugh. Your whole body is ticklish and I just take full advantage of that just to hear you laugh. You love being on the floor playing with or near your brother. You are so fascinated with him. And of course you are so interested in the cars and other toys he shows you. You roll every which way and you kind of spin on your tummy to get wherever it is you want to maneuver yourself. You make all sorts of noise. From whining, to squealing, to grunting, to fake whimpering just to get attention.

Sleeping is still blissful. I lay you down around 8:30 or so and on weekdays I wake you up at 6:30am but on weekends you'd sleep in until 9-10. No complaints here.

You have two teeth that popped out this month and I immediately went out and bought you your first toothbrush. Again, this like everything else, makes you laugh.

You have been such a blessing to have in our family. These past ten months have been so joyful, because watching you grow and learn and gain personality has just been amazing. You are by far the sweetest little girl I have ever known and I am looking forward to all else you have to learn. I often daydream of what the future will be like for you and I get so excited because you chose me to witness it all. I am one very grateful momma that's for sure!

I (we) love you to the moon and back, to infinity and beyond!
Momma (and daddy and brother)

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