The morning we went to see the Easter bunny, Nicolas was so excited. He was singing in the car and everything. "Eeeeaster buuuunnny, Eeeeeaster buuunny!" It was pretty much the cutest! We were happy that he was looking forward to taking his picture with this oversized animal. This, and because it was Raegan's first Easter, we as parents were excited too.
We arrive at the mall, stand in line, wave to the bunny, and wait our turn. As we were walking up, Nicolas lost it! I sat him down next to the bunny and it was meltdown city. He stayed sitting next to this figurine that was now holding his sister probably just mortified because I had walked away. But there he sat. And when I said, "Nicolas say cheese..." a few times, he did just that...
Once the picture was snapped we grabbed our babies but before we walked away Nicolas gave the bunny a high-five. Because that's what you do when you're scared of something, right? You high-five them, or in this case the bunny. Raegan, of course was as sweet as sugar although I wish the bunny was more considerate to keep her dress down.
Whatever, I got my picture.
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