There will be three parts to her 12 month milestone. Photo shoot. What we did on her actual birthday. And her party.
Her photo shoot..
Her actual birthday...
Her birthday landed on a weekday so we decided that because we were going to have a party for her, on her actual day we would keep it very low key. We took her out to ice cream. Just us. We knew it would be a quick trip considering bed time wasn't too far along with their attention spans. Now of course princess didn't get her own so Ryan and I got scoops and we just all shared.
I'd say she liked it!
Her actual party: that took place probably a month after her actual birthday..oops!
We all decided to help with blowing out the candle.
Of course Nicolas wanted his own candle to blow out..we played along.
Believe it or not but this girl devoured her entire cupcake! She is definitely momma's girl!
After this was taken, into the bath she went!
One of her most precious gifts: my grandma made her a quilt. She now has two. I'm jealous!
Another one of her gifts was a toy vanity. Super cute. And I think the boys were more interested in it than she was. HA!
This was the best family picture we could get and if you know my son, you know that I'm telling the truth! I kid you not, we took maybe ten, and this was the best, what does that tell you? Haha!
So there in a nutshell, is how we celebrated Raegan turning 1. We love this little girl more than she will ever know! She really does light up a room and we are so happy to have her as a part of our family.
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