Saturday, August 10, 2013


This boy is growing way too fast. Faster than I'd like to admit. Faster than I'd like for him to. And faster than I can keep up with. It seems like everyday he does or says something new. He has such a fun, rambunctious personality. He really is a ball of energy! If you allow, he will be on the go all day long.
He's very much a boy! Pirates. Monsters. Trains. Airplanes. Dinosaurs. Jets. Cars. Trucks. Hockey. Drums. Swimming. Running. Soccer. You name it, he likes it! His favorite foods include: peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, doritos, applesauce, bananas, oatmeal, string cheese, hamburgers, pizza, scrambled eggs, pancakes, and granola bars.

He talks up a storm. From telling me that I'm driving too fast, to which direction I should turn. (By the way he knows which way I need to go to get to my grandma's house and at the light he always tells me "go straight momma!!" I'll take him out of the bath, which is always a huge fight because he's never ready, he tells me "I don't need you anymore!" (My heart breaks a little every time, and where he learned it I don't know.) He tells me I'm his best friend and also tells me to have a good day at work when I drop him off at daycare.
 He is always wanting to play. He loves to help me with things around the house. Especially when I'm making dinner,  he continuously asks if he can help. When he makes a mess, which is more often than not, he has no problem cleaning it up of course after I ask him to.
 Make no mistake, this boy is a sweet heart but don't be fooled. He has a little monster in him. He is definitely an instant gratification kid. He doesn't always get his way, mind you. So when he looses it is meltdown city.
 But how could you not love a boy like this? He truly is the best thing since peanut butter and jelly sandwiches! He's my baby even though every day he reminds me he's growing up.

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