I was starting to get worried because by the time she neared her 12th month, she wasn't pulling herself up to a stand and really had no desire to stand even with her hands held then when she did stand she would only put her weight on her toes. She was crawling but army style and would only get on her hands and knees to rock back and forth. I had tried to feed her the baby food that had chunks of meat or noodle so she could get use to eating normal food, that was not happening, she would gag and would turn her head away crying. This definitely broke my heart. Not because I was eager for her to grow and do all these things but because I feared something was wrong. So then we met with her dr.
I love him, by the way. He always makes me feel at ease when I'm unsure. I feel like motherhood came naturally to me but there are times when I'm not certain of what to do or if everything is ok.
Anyway, I had asked him about her not-yet-reached milestones and he assured me that she would do those things on her own time schedule and that I should stop comparing her with her brother.
He was right. Now at 14 months she is crawling like a mad woman, feeding herself finger foods, pulling herself up to a stand and even walking while holding onto furniture. I am so excited for her! She is still a baby by all means. She weighed 17 pounds at her one year dr.'s visit and even still she doesn't feel any heavier. A petite little princess I have.
She loves playing with her toys, with her brother's toys, with the dvds, with kitchen goodies, with the diaper caddy, with the dog bowls, with mom and dad's phones. She hardly ever cries (nothing new) but when she does oh man! is it the end of the world! Mostly, she whines, usually when she's hungry. She loves to squeal and clap her hands. She doesn't really sound like she's making any advances in talking but that's ok because she will soon enough. One of my favorite things she does is give hugs. I'm talking the best hugs! I will pick her up as soon as I walk in the door and she wraps her little chunky arms around my neck and all becomes right in the world!
This little girl is amazing! I can't wait to see what else she learns and discovers she can do.
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