Thursday, April 17, 2014

Feeling a little discouraged

*I apologize in advance if this post doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. I’m trying not to be emotional but this is just something I have to get off my chest before I burst into tears. I took the morning off because Raegan had her first Occupational Therapy session. I was excited to see what they would recommend we start doing to help her catch up to speed. My husband unfortunately was not able to take the morning off to be there also so I had him take Nicolas to daycare to allow my full attention on the session. It went great. She gave me all kinds of tools to implement on a daily basis. She explained the reasoning for some of the activities and what they would teach her. I felt all sorts of confident with how things went today. Then I got to work and scrolled through social media during my break. I see pictures and videos of kids all throughout my feed and normally I find them sweet and cute. Not today. Today I find myself feeling really jealous. The first was a video of a baby who is waaaaay younger than Raegan and already saying “mama.” The other was a picture of a girl who is right about the same age (give or take a few weeks) who I already know from other posts by her mom that she is really advanced. Why were these babies hitting their milestones and mine isn’t? I just keep thinking, why not Raegan? Why can’t she do that? Why can’t she say that? I’m just feeling a little discouraged right about now. I know that she will reach the goals we have set for her eventually. I have to stay positive. For her. It’s hard, but I have to.

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