Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Just when I started to doubt whether or not therapy was working. Just when I was about to lose all hope that my baby was understanding the help that was being given. Just when I got discouraged..she said it.




This last Monday towards the end of her speech therapy, Raegan was starting to get anxious. It was snack time. All she wanted was me. She was no longer interested in Emma, her therapist. It’s almost like she has an internal 50 minute clock. She knows when therapy is done. I was discussing things she had done in the session, things to start doing more of, and our goals with Emma while Raegan was trying to climb all over me. Then it happened. “MAMAMAMA.” Emma went into complete celebrations and my eyes welled with the happiest tears! The therapist explained to me that although this was a HUGE accomplishment I cannot be discouraged if I didn’t hear it again for a while. Just to keep repeating it to her and bring her hand to my mouth so she can grasp the vibration concept. Once she left, Nicolas continued to play in his room and Raegan and I just played in the living room. I was so proud of my baby girl. I kept saying “mama” to her and eventually with no effort at all she said it back! I was quick enough to catch her on video. I sent the video to everyone including her therapist.


A few weeks ago when we were on our way to daycare Nicolas kept calling for me. Our conversation went like this..



“Yes baby?”


“Yes Nicolas”


“What Nicolas?”

“Mama?” (giggles)

“Ok I’m not going to answer you anymore.”

“Mama-what. Mama-what. Mama-what” (tons more giggles)


At that moment I remember thinking, “Oh man, this kid is going to drive me nuts!” Nicolas calls for me a million times a day. Most of the time I answer. Sometimes I know he’s just saying it just to say it. I know that it’s these times that I take for granted. I take for granted that Nicolas can talk so well because I yearn for Raegan to be at his level. You don’t realize how precious someone’s voice is until you aren’t able to hear it. And this is just confirmation that these little beings teach me way more than I will ever teach them.



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